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We are currently seeking our next clergy leader, who will be a part-time Priest in Charge with a year to year contract.


Check out the information below to learn more about us and please check out our OTM profile as well.  We’re excited about what God might have in mind for us, and we hope you will be too!


If you believe God might be calling you to discern with us, please apply via the ECCT Clergy Employment page on the ECCT website.

ECCT follows a transition model called Transition is the New Normal (TINN). The information on this model can be found here or you can review the Transition is the New Normal report here. If you would like to know more about TINN or the Priest in Charge process in Connecticut, please reach out to The Rev. Cn. Timothy Hodapp, Canon for Congregations & Transitions (

About Us

Our welcoming parish is a dedicated community that is making a big impact!

Though small in number, our parishioners are mighty in spirit. Together, we lead worship, music, outreach, and administrative functions, making a powerful difference within our walls and beyond. Please refer to our 2023 Annual Report has additional detail.
Here's how we're spreading God's love:

  • Monthly Service Projects: We put our faith into action through projects like supporting the CT Humane Society, veterans’ groups, and social services.

  • Recovery Program Support: We offer space, collaboration, and support for recovery programs, fostering hope and healing in our community.

  • Anglican Prayer Bead Ministry: We partner with a local treatment center, fostering connection and creating over 5,000 prayer beads infused with love and hope.

  • Vital Connections Through Prayer: Prayer requests left in our church are shared during services, uniting our community in prayer.

  • Streetfire Ministries: We nourish the homeless population of Middletown by providing meals, festive treats, and crucial support.

  • Brownstone Music Series: We showcase local talent and donate proceeds to worthy causes, impacting lives near and far.

  • Crafting Commandos: This friendly group creates crafts for fundraising events, offering fellowship and a chance to share creative talents.

God's presence is strong at our parish. He sustains us, guides our innovation, and helps us connect more deeply as a living body of Christ. We are committed to listening to the Spirit and allowing God to lead us forward in service to others.

Worship & Music

We find creative ways to celebrate God's love through vibrant music and worship services.

Our Approach:

  • Christ-Centered & Inclusive: We follow Episcopal liturgy while creating a welcoming atmosphere that celebrates God's love and forgiveness, recognizing we're all human, especially when all is not perfect on the altar.

  • Dedicated Lay Leaders: While in transition, a dedicated team of lay leaders offers weekly Morning Prayer and Bible studies, fostering community spirit.

  • Guest Clergy & Collaboration: We've been blessed by guest priests for Eucharist and shared worship services with local Episcopal and Lutheran churches, further enriching our experience.

  • Sermons & Homilies: Sample sermons and homilies are available on our website, offering a glimpse into our faith journey.

Music Ministry:

We are incredibly fortunate to have Susan, our organist and choir director, leading our music ministry for 40 years. Her husband, John (trombonist), often joins her, creating a truly special atmosphere. On Sundays when they're unavailable, we utilize talented lay leaders, including a cantor and our very own folk group - The Rayze,  a supply organist, or pre-recorded music to ensure a beautiful and uplifting experience.

Buildings & Grounds

We are faithful stewards of our building and grounds.

  • Standing proudly for over 150 years, Trinity Church is a stunning Gothic masterpiece. Built from local brownstone, this designated National Historic Landmark boasts beautiful stained glass windows, a soaring spire, and a welcoming porte-cochere.

  • Stewards of History: As stewards of this architectural treasure, we take immense pride in its preservation. We have secured funding and exercised financial prudence to ensure its continued beauty for generations to come. Streamlining our operations by selling underutilized properties and "swapping" land for a tranquil green space has allowed us to focus outward, expanding our mission and community engagement.

  • A Place of Peace and Connection: The addition of an outdoor altar in 2023, built with the same historic brownstone, further connects our beautiful grounds to our vibrant worship life. We invite you to explore this unique and inviting space – a testament to both our rich history and our commitment to serving our community.

Mission & Outreach

Our altar extends beyond the sanctuary and into the streets of our community.

We believe faith translates into action, and outreach is woven into the very fabric of our parish. For a glimpse into the ways we serve our neighbors, explore the "About Us" section above.
Ready to learn more? Our dedicated Mission and Outreach page provides a wealth of information on what we are doing to make a difference.

The Town of Portland

Explore our beautiful town, located on the "big bend" of the  Connecticut River.

Portland is a quiet and serene community, conveniently located in central Connecticut. Trinity Church is proud to be a part of our iconic Main Street community, built from the brownstone harvested from our very own quarries.  Find out more about our town and all it has to offer on the Town of Portland Connecticut website.

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Clergy Leadership Transition 

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